
Vulnerable people must not pay price for Labour cuts

Labour is doubling down on Tory cuts.

The Labour Party has chosen to continue with Tory cuts to public services rather than fairer taxes on the super-rich, says Scottish Greens finance spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP.

Mr Greer, who has accused the new Chancellor of using the Conservative soundbites playbook to justify more of the same disastrous cuts, called for wealth taxes on the super rich to fund the services we all rely on.

Mr Greer said: “Labour promised that if they were elected the era of Tory cuts would be over, but they are already using the George Osborne playbook to justify even more of the same Conservative policies that have caused so much pain.

“The cuts that the Chancellor announced today were entirely avoidable. They were a choice, just as they were when the Tories spent 14 years doing the same thing. Rachel Reeves made clear that vulnerable people will pay the price for Labour’s refusal to tax the super-rich, without offering so much as a word of empathy for the human cost.

“We can’t cut our way out of a Westminster-imposed crisis. The last decade and a half has proven that beyond any doubt.

“This Labour government promised change, but they have already voted to keep the cruel two-child benefit cap in place, and now they are planning even more politically-motivated and avoidable cuts, regardless of the impact they will have on families across our country.

“It was only a matter of weeks ago that their Scottish leader, Anas Sarwar, told us “read my lips: no austerity under Labour.” Those words are already looking very hollow. He also said that Scottish Labour would oppose the cruel two child cap, only for every single one of his MPs to vote to keep it in place.

“How can we trust him or Scottish Labour to stand up to Keir Starmer when they’ve abandoned their own policies and fallen in line at the first opportunity?"

Mr Greer added: “The UK is one of the richest countries in the history of the planet. There is more than enough money to meet everyone’s basic needs, but far too much of it is being squirrelled away by the super rich. This is at the same time as public services are stretched beyond their limits and when far too many people are going hungry.

“We can build a fairer, greener future, one where nobody has to worry about how they will feed or clothe their children. Labour’s cosy consensus with the Tories shows that future won’t come from Westminster though.”

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