
Unproven carbon capture must not distract from urgent renewables investment

We must invest in proven green technology that will make a difference here and now.

Costly and unproven Carbon Capture and Storage technology (CCS) is no substitute for investment in clean, green renewable energy, says Scottish Green MSP Maggie Chapman.

Ms Chapman’s comments come as the Scottish Government has announced £2 million worth of funding for the Acorn CCS project.

Ms Chapman, who represents the North East region where Acorn will be based, said: “CCS is a costly and unproven technology. It is no substitute for investing in renewable jobs and industries and energy efficiency, and must not distract us from doing so.

“The money and support that has come from the Scottish and UK Governments would be much better spent on cutting people’s electricity bills and investing in green skills and industries.

“The climate crisis is happening around us, and it is too urgent to delay action. We must not put our hopes for survival on technology that doesn’t deliver the carbon capture rates being promised and is also used to justify prolonged extraction of fossil fuels. 

“We should, instead, be using whatever investment we have to redirect our energy economy away from north sea drilling and a broken system that has caused untold damage and destruction.

“We have the skilled workers and resources to invest in renewable technology that will make a real difference here and now. Both governments must invest in that and in a fair and just transition for those workers and their communities.”

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