
There’s no place for the far right in Scotland

Patrick Harvie comments ahead of protest against the far right.

The politics of hate and division must have no place in Scotland, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie will tell a counter-rally in Scotland today.

A far right rally in Glasgow was promoted by Tommy Robinson following disruption and violence across the UK last month. The counter-rally, organised by activists, trade unions and community groups is set for 12 noon in George Square and is expected to greatly overshadow it.

Speaking ahead of the counter-rally, Mr Harvie said: “There should be no place in Glasgow or Scotland for the toxic mix of fear, hate and division that the far right promotes. The violence and criminality we saw from them across the rest of the UK last month was shameful and must never be allowed to take root here.

“Glasgow’s a multicultural city with a long, proud history of standing up against the far right. We saw it when the English Defence League tried to stir up hate, we saw it when residents stood up to the Home Office at Kenmure Street, and we’re seeing it again here today.

"But we need to be clear that this threat runs far deeper than the likes of Tommy Robinson. Racist, anti-immigrant and anti-asylum attitudes have been deliberately cultivated by large parts of the UK’s media and political landscape. Even now, as radicalised racists are being sentenced in the courts for the violence of recent weeks, mainstream politicians and pundits are still promoting the same far right rhetoric that unleashed such chaos.

“We can never be complacent about the threat the far right poses, especially after being emboldened by the actions of the UK Government over the last 14 years. Wherever this threat arises communities must come together and face it down.”