
Scotland’s Nature Restoration Fund must not be cut

We all benefit from cleaner, greener communities.

The Scottish Government must not cut its groundbreaking Nature Restoration Fund, says the Scottish Greens environment spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP.

Mr Ruskell’s comments follow media reports that the Scottish Government has told local authorities to divert money from the Fund to settle pay disputes.

Local services and our local environment are not in opposition to one another. We need to invest in both. Every worker deserves to be paid a fair wage and we all deserve to live in clean, green communities, says Mr Ruskell.

The £65 million fund was secured by the Scottish Greens as part of the cooperation agreement that brought the party into government. It has supported vital projects all over Scotland, with funding split between NatureScot, the government’s nature agency, and local authorities.

Mr Ruskell said: “If these reports are accurate, and if funds are being cut, then it would be hugely concerning and could have a very damaging impact for our communities in the short and long term.

“The Nature Restoration Fund is supporting vital projects all across our country, from building natural flood protections to safeguarding local species, restoring our waterways and improving our parks. It is enhancing our communities, by making them more welcoming and accessible while creating important jobs. 

“Investment in natural flood management for example massively saves public money in the long run. We are in a climate and nature emergency, the two are linked and restoring nature in our communities is key.

“Investing in local services and our local environment should not be in opposition, they go together. Every worker deserves to be paid a fair wage, and every one of us should have access to green space and a livable and sustainable community. It would be short-sighted and counterproductive to cut one at the expense of the other.

“Public finances are being stretched and there are political choices to be made. The Scottish Government must use every tool it has to ensure that local authorities are fully funded and that we are investing in our environment and our communities.

“That is all the more reason why we badly need to reform council funding and build on the progressive tax reforms that have been delivered by the Scottish Greens.

“The Scottish Government must urgently provide clarity about what it is proposing and ensure that any funds being reallocated in the short term are fully compensated and restored.”

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