
Robust rent controls key to tackling housing emergency

Every tenant should have a safe, affordable and secure place to call home.

Robust rent controls and protections for tenants are crucial to tackling Scotland’s housing emergency, says the Scottish Greens’ equality spokesperson Maggie Chapman.

Ms Chapman, who was speaking ahead of a Scottish Parliament opposition debate on housing, called for all parties to unite around bold solutions that will protect tenants, including a robust system of rent controls.

There has been increasing speculation that the SNP is preparing to water down rent controls and protections with one national newspaper quoting senior government sources pledging a “light touch approach” to regulations.

Ms Chapman said: “The housing emergency cannot be solved through warm words. It will need bold action and solutions. The system is broken. All over Scotland there are tenants paying sky high rents for unstable and insecure tenancies. 

“When the Scottish Greens were in government we alleviated some of the stress and anxiety that households and families were feeling by using emergency legislation to temporarily freeze rents and protect tenants. We need to build on that with permanent protections and rent controls.

“This is an area where all parties can and must work together. Every MSP represents tenants on the frontline of the crisis, and we should all be working to protect them.

“If the SNP waters down the upcoming Housing Bill it will be a betrayal of every tenant who has placed their faith in them. It is one of the most crucial bills we will debate in this parliament and key to tackling the crisis that so many are experiencing.”