
FMQs: First Minister must halt school meal betrayal

The First Minister must halt his climbdown on the rollout of universal free school meals for all primary school pupils, says Scottish Green co-leader, Lorna Slater.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions, Ms Slater underlined the importance of universal free school meals in tackling child poverty after the policy was dropped as part of yesterday’s Programme for Government.

In her first question to the First Minister, Ms Slater said:

“Free school meals for all primary school children was a commitment the Scottish Greens secured back in the 2021 budget. This was being delivered when we were in Government.

“Policy right up until April this year was to roll that out to all children in P6 and 7 by 2026.

“The Scottish Greens champion free school meals, because we know getting food to hungry kids is a compassionate and effective way to mitigate the impacts of child poverty.

“Yet as soon as the Greens are out of the room, the Scottish Government drops the policy.

“Can the FM explain how we're supposed to take seriously his commitment to tackle child poverty, when he’s decided to leave children hungry?”

Following a response from the First Minister, in which he did not reverse his decision, Ms Slater underlined the series of policy U-turns and climate cuts that have been announced over recent days.

Ms Slater said:

“During our time in Government, the Scottish Greens scrapped peak rail fares. We introduced a groundbreaking Fund, to restore nature and create jobs across rural Scotland. We introduced legislation for a robust system of rent controls. We were on track to ban conversion practices and roll out free bus travel to asylum seekers.

“All this work is now being undone, slashed, watered down or shelved. And now the betrayal of Free School Meals.

“The message of this week’s Programme for Government is if you want progressive Green policies, you need to vote to have Greens in the room to deliver them. What does the First Minister have to say to voters who backed these policies and now feel let down?”